Enjoy, Waste not


Jum'uah Mubarak Esteemed Believers!

One day, our Beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) dropped by his dear relative, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas. Sa'd was performing ablution at that moment. He must, apparently, have used much water, so our Prophet said, "What is this extravagance?" Then Sa'd asked "Can there be any extravagance in ablution?" and our Beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) replied, "Yes, even if you are on the bank of a flowing river."[1]

Honorable Believers!

Our Beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) knew the value of blessings Allah granted us, and he reminded his companions of them at each occasion. He taught us using what we have in moderation, whether we are in opulence or deprivation, and made us refrain from extravagance. For extravagance is to use lavishly any blessing and opportunity, from food and beverage to clothing, time, and health, and to lose balance and moderation. It is to spoil oneself, their surrounding and the universe. Extravagance is to digress from our conscience of existence and purpose of creation. It is also to disrespect Allah Almighty's attribution of Razzaq – the Sustainer.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

One of the greatest calamities pervading the earth today is extravagance. It is a vital mistake to waste away and spend unnecessarily while there are millions of people are in the grip of hunger, poverty, and misery. While the oppressed people struggle even in want of basic necessities like bread and water, it is inequitable to waste even small portions of food.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Extravagance does not only pertain to one's goods and possessions. The greatest extravagance for human beings is to forget why they were created and for what purpose they should spend their life. It is failure to bring together the blessing of reason with faith and wisdom. It is to waste one's body, strength, and willpower for futile pursuits instead of goodness and truth. It is to use their knowledge and experience for the destruction of humanity, rather than to the benefit of them.

Brothers and Sisters!

Today, a mentality which promotes more earning and more consuming claiming that the more earning and spending, the more valuable people will be, is being more popular. A lifestyle with blazonry and pomposity, spending on luxury and vanity is brought forward. Thus, humanity is consuming its spiritual values and purpose of living by dedicating their lives on consuming rather than producing.

Whereas our book of life, the Qur'an, highlights that humans come into this world with the purpose of construction and correction, and that they need to maintain moderation, thrift, and balance for both worldly life and the afterlife. When defining believers, Our Lord Almighty enjoins, "And [they are] those who, when they spend, do so not excessively or sparingly but are ever, between that, [justly] moderate."[2] Our Prophet (s.a.w) also expressed that we should acquire an ethics of consumption as such, "Eat, drink, clothe and give alms without arrogance and extravagance."[3]

Esteemed Muslims!

Let us know the value of all blessings Our Almighty Lord bestowed upon us. Let us not waste any blessing extravagantly. Let us not waste our time. Let us avoid what is more than needed in the way we eat, drink, dress and spend. Let us protect our natural resources and our natural assets. Let us remember that we will be kept liable for each blessing granted to us. Let us shield ourselves with the morality of sharing and helping, without getting spoilt on blessings, and spending lavishly and irresponsibly. Let us observe the balance Our Lord has set for life and the universe. Let us remember that when breached, this balance will cost us the abundance in our life, and peace in society, and damage ourselves and the generations to come. Let us not forget that blessings are limited while our wishes and desires are unlimited.

Brothers and Sisters!

The night of Sunday into Monday, inshaallah, we will observe the Laylat al-Qadr, the night when our Holy Book, the Qur'an started to be revealed. Let us treasure this night, which is better than one thousand months. Let us review our lives, repenting on our sins, and question ourselves again. With this occasion, I celebrate your Night of Qadr now, and I pray to Allah Almighty that it bring much goodness for our country, our nation and the entire Islamic world.


[1] Ibn Majah, Taharat (Purification), 48.

[2] Furqan, 25/67.

[3] Bukhari, Libas (Dress), 1; Nasa'i, Zakat, 66.

General Directorate of Religious Services

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