Mawlid al-Nabi

Dear Muslims!

Tomorrow evening, inshallah, we will observe the anniversary of our Prophet's (saw) honoring the world who was sent as a mercy to the worlds. Endless thanks and praise be to our Lord Almighty (swt), Who has enabled us to reach another Mawlid al-Nabi; salat and salam be to our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw), for being a member of whose ummah we are honored.

Dear Believers!

In the verse I have recited before starting this Friday's khutbah, Allah the Almighty (swt) states, "Indeed, Allah has done the believers a great favor by raising a messenger from among them— reciting to them His revelations, purifying them, and teaching them the Book and wisdom..."[1]

In the hadith I have read, the Messenger of Allah (saw) says, "Whoever obeys me obeys Allah. Whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah."[2]

Dear Muslims!

The Messenger of Allah (saw) was created with a high standard of morality. He is the last prophet sent to perfect good character. Our beloved Prophet (saw) emphasizes that faith, deeds and morals cannot be separated from each other and that good morals should cover every aspect of life. He states that people can only be a pious and good servants of Allah (swt) to the extent of their morality.

Our Prophet (saw) is the finest role model for all humanity. He is the one who has reminded us of our responsibility to our Lord (swt), to ourselves and to the environment in which we live.  He is the one who has advised us to look after our family as if it were entrusted to us by Allah (swt). He is the one who has shown us the ways of living a life that is virtuous, moral and honorable. He is the one who has taught the right and the truth, the justice and the mercy. He is the one thanks to whom women and the elderly have achieved the true dignity they deserve. He is the one who has put a smile on the faces of the orphan. He is the one through whom daughters who had been buried alive, who had been scorned and despised, were brought back to life.

Dear Believers!

Sadly, we live in a time when human values are trampled underfoot, innocent children are mercilessly slaughtered, and all kinds of evil are openly committed every passing day. It is always the gentle and tender ones who fall victim to the oppressors with darkened hearts and dulled consciences. In such an environment, we can never fulfill our responsibility towards our beloved Prophet (saw) by only commemorating his mawlid and keeping his memory alive.

Our duty today is to be duly obedient to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and to hold fast onto the Holy Qur'an and his Sunnah, which is the greatest heritage he left for us. It is to bring together the good morals and transcendental messages of our Prophet (saw) with humanity in order to prevent the brutal massacre of the likes of Narin and other innocent people all over the world, especially in Gaza. It is to resolutely tell the world that Islam, the religion of peace, the Holy Qur'an, the guide of life, and the prophet of mercy, Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw), are the only haven where humanity can find refuge. It is to question not our religion and religious values, but our quality of being religious. It is not to forget that the Sunnah of that blessed Prophet is a compass of salvation and a guide to life for all humanity. Only then will oppression and injustice come to an end in our world and people will live together in brotherly coexistence in safety. No one will be able to harm anyone's life, property, honor or chastity, and no innocent soul will wither in the prime of their life.

Dear Muslims!

This year, as in every year, we will observe the week that includes the Mawlid Night as Mawlid al-Nabi Week. The theme of the Mawlid al-Nabi Week 2024 is set to be "the Prophet Muhammad and the Building of Personality" by our Presidency of Religious Affairs. Throughout the week, we will strive to understand and share the exemplary life of our Prophet (saw) through the events we will hold. We warmly invite you to join the events we have prepared for all segments of our society. I would like to take this opportunity to pray to our Lord Almighty (swt) that the Mawlid al-Nabi Week may be prosperous for our great nation, for the Muslim world, and for all humanity.

I would like to conclude this Friday's khutbah with the meaning of Verse 31 of Surah Ali 'Imran: "Say, o Prophet, 'If you sincerely love Allah, then follow me; Allah will love you and forgive your sins.'"[3]


[1] Ali 'Imran, 3/164.

[2] Muslim, Imarah, 33.

[3] Ali 'Imran, 3/31.

General Directorate of Religious Services

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