Let Us Be Prepared For Natural Disasters For A Safe Life

Honorable Muslims!

The Almighty Allah (swt) states in the verse I have just recited: "Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]."[1]

Prophet Muhammad (saw) said in the hadith I have read: "Even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."[2]

Dear Believers!

We all came from Allah (swt) and will be returned to Him. We understand that Allah the Almighty tests each of us in the world in different ways. We strongly believe that this world is temporary and the Hereafter is eternal. We praise for the blessings of Allah (swt) and show patience and persistence over calamities.  We rely on Allah the Exalted (swt) and put our trust in Him. However, as humans, we also try to fulfil our responsibilities against natural disasters.

Honorable Muslims!

Nature was created by Allah (swt) as a whole from the biggest galaxies to the smallest ants; it is controlled by Him every moment. The magnificent harmony and balance of nature depend on the judgments and laws of Allah (swt).

Sometimes natural disasters that were experienced both destroy nature and affect the lives of humans bitterly.  Several natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, landslide, and fire caused to loss of property and life in the past. The grief of the earthquakes and flood disasters that occurred in our country recently is still felt in our hearts.

Dear Believers!

The Holy Qur'an calls humanity as follows: "And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation."[3] Thus, the humankind who intervenes in nature irresponsibly, cuts trees for his own interest, poisons water and air, and makes earth dry upsets the natural balance in the world.  A significant part of the bad results of natural disasters is caused by our own mistakes and negligence. So, the Almighty Allah commands as follows on this subject: "And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much."[4]

Honorable Muslims!

Believers believe that Allah (swt) will realize His judgment definitely. Nevertheless, at the same time they understand that natural disasters occur in a cause-result relation as a necessity of divine order and laws.  They do not take the easy way out by not working and thinking about causes and by saying, "It happens when Allah (swt) desires." They do not invite natural disasters blatantly by taking steps that are harmful to nature. They hold themselves in readiness and take all precautions. They put their trust in Allah (swt) after dealing with all material and immaterial causes and fulfilling their responsibilities. With the expression of Prophet Muhammad (saw), they "tie their camels and then place their trust in Allah"[5]

Dear Believers!

Let us take necessary precautions for a safe life. Let us raise awareness and be ready for natural disasters. Let us not construct houses in the regions that are under risk of earthquake, landslide, and flood. Let us inform our family about natural disasters and the states of emergency. Let us apply to provincial directorates of AFAD in our province for having first aid training, information, and support.

We wish that may the mercy of Allah (swt) be upon our citizens who lost their lives in the August 17 earthquake, whose twentieth anniversary is tomorrow, and in the natural disasters occurred in our country until now. May Allah the Exalted protect us, our country, and Islamic cities from natural disasters. May He predestine us to learn lessons from natural disasters and live a peaceful and safe life by fulfilling our responsibilities.


[1] Rum, 30/41.

[2] Bukhari, Merda, 1.

[3] A'raf, 7/56.

[4]  Shuraa, 42/30.

[5] Tirmidhi, Sifatu'l-qiyama, 60.

General Directorate of Religious Affairs

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