Dear Muslims!
Our Lord Almighty (swt) states in the verse I have recited as follows, "If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? Upon Allah let the believers rely."[1]
Our beloved Prophet (saw) states in the hadith I have read as follows, "There is no god but Allah. Nor is there any partner with Him. Sovereignty belongs to Him. He is potent over everything. There is no might or power except with Allah."[2]
Dear Believers!
It was one of those days under 'Umar's (ra) caliphate. Diyarbakır was conquered, and the gates of Anatolia were opened to Islam, with the help of Allah the Almighty (swt) and the valor and sacrifice of the Companions under the command of 'Iyad ibn Ghanam. On another August day back then, Anatolia has become the eternal home for Islam and Muslims with the Victory of Manzikert (Malazgirt). These sacred lands watered with the blood of martyrs from that day until the present have been the symbol of right and truth, safety and bravery, order and peace; the enemy of the oppressor and the friend of the oppressed.
Dear Muslims!
Our glorious history bears witness that the goal of our ancestors was not just a mere fighting or gaining world dominance. Our ancestors, may them rest in heaven, embarked on expeditions with one aim in mind "Either I become victorious and achieve my goal, or I die a martyr and go to heaven." With shouts of "Allah! Allah!", they defended their homeland without hesitation despite the fact that they knew they were soon about to die. They ran from one victory to another in the cause of exalting the word of Allah (swt) and ensuring justice and mercy prevailed all over the world. It is precisely this spirit that has helped us win numerous victories in Augusts throughout history. We fought with the same spirit in Manzikert, Mohacs, Sakarya, the Great Offensive, as well as against all terrorist organizations and powers of evil.
Dear Believers!
What falls upon us today is to keep this spirit fresh and alive, and elevate it. It is incumbent upon us to make no concessions on our unity, togetherness, and brotherhood. It is our responsibility to unite around the values that make us "us" and that make us a nation. Let us not forget that no force can defeat what and whoever Allah the Almighty (swt) helps.
I would like to use this occasion to wish our Lord Almighty's (swt) mercy on our glorious martyrs and deceased heroic veterans, who have been ablaze with the flames of love for Allah's (swt) name to prevail across the world from the time of the Prophet Adam (as) until now, and sacrificed their lives for our sacred values.
[1] Al-i 'Imran, 3/160.
[2] Muslim, Masajid, 139.
General Directorate of Religious Services