Honorable Muslims!
In the verse I have recited, Allah the Exalted (swt) states, "Whoever comes with a good deed will be rewarded tenfold. But whoever comes with a bad deed will be punished for only one. None will be wronged."[1]
In the hadith I have read, the Messenger of Allah (saw) says, "Virtue is a kind disposition. Vice is what rankles in your mind and that you disapprove of its being known to the people."[2]
Dear Believers!
Worldly life is a journey of benevolence. Each one of us are being tested in terms of benevolence, and we are having a test of humanity. It is our most important duty to believe, do beneficial deeds, and make goodness prevail on earth. It is our most fundamental duty to avoid and prevent evil, improper and harmful acts.
Benevolence is the main purpose of existence. It is the completeness of all values that make us "human". It is the finest result of a stance and a life as a Muslim. Benevolence is the light for us on the day that some faces will be illuminated and some faces will darken.
Dear Muslims!
There are numerous ways of benevolence that will lead us to peace and happiness in the world and the Afterlife as well as helping us gain the approval of Allah (swt).
Benevolence means believing in Allah, the Judgment Day, angels, the Book, and the prophets. It means giving charity out of our wealth to relatives, orphans, the poor, travelers and all people in need. It means performing prayers, paying alms (zakat), and keeping the promises we make. It means helping each other in poverty, sickness and difficult times as well as sharing with each other and thanking Allah (swt) in richness and health.[3]
Benevolence entails to be a sincere servant, a respectful child, merciful parents, and a loyal spouse. It means sharing the joy and sorrow of our relatives and neighbors. Benevolence means sincerely extending our hands to the oppressed, orphan, patient and elderly.
Dear Believers!
Benevolence means being cheerful and talking nicely. It means being forgiving, tolerant and fair towards people. It entails to equip ourselves with compassion and mercy, sincerity, modesty and decency, patience and loyalty, in short, with all good morals.
Then, let us give meaning to our lives starting now. Let us conquer hearts of people through benevolence and thus, gain their du'a. Let our compassionate hands extend towards those in need. Let our affectionate hearts touch to the heart of a lonely person. Let our eyes meet with exhausted eyes to refresh them. We should not forget that evil cannot be prevented by complaining about it but by taking a stand against it and spreading the benevolence. And benevolence is not something to be spoken, read or written. It is about action.
Dear Muslims!
The night that connects next Thursday to Friday is the Lailat al-Bara'ah. It is an important opportunity to remember our responsibilities to Allah (swt), and to increase our good deeds. On this occasion, I congratulate your Lailat al Bara'ah in advance. May Allah the Exalted (swt) make this blessed night conducive to good for our dear nation, the ummah of Muhammad (saw), and all humanity.
[1] An'am, 6/160.
[2] Muslim, Birr, 15.
[3] Baqarah, 2/177.
General Directorate of Religious Affairs