Dear Muslims!
We as humans are created within and in need of an environment. For us, environment means life; it means the color, harmony, health and unity of life. The universe is a work of the Almighty Allah, which He (swt) has entrusted to human. For this reason, we as the most honorable caliph on earth are obligated to protect all humans and all created beings, alive or inanimate, and treat them with compassion and mercy. When we fulfil this responsibility of ours, we become more prosperous along with our environment. Otherwise, it is not only the heavens and earth that will be harmed, but also all of us and our future will be harmed as well.
Dear Believers!
The recent disasters have deeply saddened all of us. We have been already striving to dress the wounds caused by the floods. On the other hand, we have been fighting against forest fires that burn our hearts. While going through these challenging times, we should remember once again that we can mitigate loss of life and property in the face of disasters, such as floods, landslides, fires, earthquakes, droughts and pandemic diseases, only by taking necessary precautions and measures. This is because natural phenomena occur according to the Sunnah of Allah, that is the divine laws and order, in a cause and effect relationship. Therefore, a Muslim must not neglect their responsibilities and openly allow for anything that might lead to disasters. They must not take any step to disturb the natural balances on earth. The majority of the bitter results of disasters are due mostly to our own mistakes and neglects. The Holy Qur'an Explains it in this way: "Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned."[1]
Dear Muslims!
The Almighty Allah (swt) states in the Holy Qur'an as follows, "Do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction."[2] So, let us take reasonable and proper steps in line with the realities of the natural balances inherent in regions of high risk of floods, landslides and earthquakes. Let us avoid any neglect and irresponsible behavior that might cause the outbreak of a fire. When it comes to those persons who deliberately set our forests on fire, target our homeland, and attempt the lives of our nation, the curse of Allah (swt), angels, humans, and all living beings who have lost their lives by burning alive is going to haunt them down in this world and in the Hereafter. In this world and in the Hereafter, they will suffer the punishment for what they have done.
Dear Believers!
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) states in one hadith as follows, "Be wary of your responsibilities toward Allah wherever you are!"[3]Then, let us be aware of the responsibilities incumbent upon us. So, let us draw lessons from bitter experiences. Let us all get prepared against natural disasters for a safe and secure life. Let us be on alert and notify relevant authorities against all kinds of disasters and emergency situations, particularly against forest fires on these very summer days.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish our Lord's (swt) mercy upon our brothers and sisters who have lost their lives because of disasters, condolences to their relatives, and speedy recovery to the injured.
[1] Rum, 30/41.
[2] Baqarah, 2/195.
[3] Tirmidhi, Birr, 55.
General Directorate of Religious Services