Dear Muslims!
Last week, we had to face the reality of disasters once again. Alhamdulillah, most of the fires erupted in our forests, the lungs of our heavenly homeland, are extinguished. In some areas, firefighting efforts are ongoing. May the Almighty Allah (swt) enable us to overcome this disaster, too, in the shortest time possible. May Allah (swt) never ever let any such sufferings hit us again.
Dear Believers!
We are saddened today, right; we have a grave suffering. Every one of us is broken by the loss of our brothers and sisters, the burning down of our forests, and the loss of innocent animals. But we know and believe that there is no challenge that we cannot overcome as long as we unite around the values that make us "us" and keep our brotherly spirit alive. Throughout history, we have overcome numerous adversities with the help of Allah (swt), the resolve of our state, and the perseverance of our nation. Today, too, no obstacle can stand in our way as long as we stand together as a state and a nation. There is no hardship that we cannot overcome as long as our hearts beat together. Moreover, the good news from our Lord (swt) is clear: "For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease [i.e., relief]. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease."[1]
Dear Muslims!
Today is the day to unite, not fall apart. Today is the day to keep our unity, togetherness, and love alive. Today is the day to share our pain and suffering just as we do our joy and delight. In this respect, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) describes believers as follows, "The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection and fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches because of sleeplessness and fever." [2]
Dear Believers!
There are responsibilities that fall upon every one of us today, just like the ant that ran to put out the fire into which the Prophet Ibrahim (as) was thrown. Above all, we must remain calm and composed. We must see being aware, sensitive and precautious in the face of disasters, such as fires, floods, earthquakes, and pandemic diseases, as a national struggle. We must notify the relevant authorities, wherever and whenever required. Let us not forget that even the smallest mistake or negligence can have serious consequences.
I would like to use this occasion to wish the mercy of Allah the Almighty (swt) on those who have lost their lives in disasters, particularly in fires, and speedy recovery for those who have been injured. May our Lord Almighty (swt) facilitate the works of our brothers/sisters who have been risking their lives in the fight against disasters, and be their helper.
[1] Sharh, 94/5-6.
[2] Muslim, Birr, 66.
General Directorate of Religious Services